Headstrong Health: The Psychology of Getting Fit

Archive for the ‘Strength Building’ Category

Wake up this morning and do 10 Pushups.

Tuck shoulders back like you are pinching something between your shoulder blades.

Contract abdominals so hips are parallel to the ground (not popped up with your butt out)

Incorporating pushups into your morning routine is an easy way to build mental strength and muscle. The more muscle you have on your body, the more the muscle acts like a fat-burning machine. Think of your muscles like Pac-Man. When you build up your muscle, it will take the fat off even when you are not working out.  Even if you feel weak now, just do the pushups- you are building with every rise and fall!

Take-Home Point:

Set your day with 10 or more pushups. Every morning, you can see yourself as strong, and you are triggering a mindset for health and fitness. Just do it!