Headstrong Health: The Psychology of Getting Fit

Archive for March 2013

Had my first double-hitter session yesterday with two awesome ladies! They had been quickly given a machine workout from a gym-rep trainer, and they asked me to assess their workout. I think machines are great for pinpointing that muscle you want to work, but I wanted to give total body stabilization and balance exercises to challenge their core.

My goal was to give them OPTIONS and CORE STABILIZATION.

                           Welcome to Trainer (HIS) vs Trainer (HERS):

Let’s break out of the machine matrix and go Neo on this workout. GO!

Warm Up:   5-10 minutes of cardio (BOTH) Raise heart rate, warm the body, get blood and oxygen circulating.

Resistance Circuit Training:

1. CHEST  Machine Chest Press (HIS) 3 sets of 15 reps – if you choose to do a chest press, keep neck and shoulders relaxed and neutral. This machine is meant to work the same muscles as pushups- really focus on the controlled movement.

Pushups (HERS) – 3 sets of 12 –  If you haven’t done these for a while, start on knees, core tight and ankles crossed. Retract shoulderblades (don’t hunch, keep spine straight/neutral). CHALLENGE:*Try at least one full pushup on your toes each session, and I guarantee you’ll be on your toes in a few weeks!


2. LEGS   Machine Leg Press (HIS)- 3 sets of 15  As in a normal squat, knees do not come over toes. Push with the thighs and glutes, and keep it controlled. It’s madness to do machines fast and stress your joints– it’s all about the slow hold!

Squat Squats  (HERS ) 

Feet hip distance apart. Don’t let knees come past toes. Put the weight in your heels and feel as if you are about to sit in a low chair.








3. ARMS   Bicep and Tricep Extension Machines (HIS). Sorry anonymous other trainer man. I’m not a fan of these because of the stress on the elbow joint. INSTEAD: 

balance dumbbell curl

One Legged Dumbbell Curl (HERS) – 

Challenges your biceps, legs, and core. Keep elbows pinned in (elbows are a hinge here, keep them still). Curl dumbells up toward your shoulders.








Rope Tricep Extension (HERS) 

Keep elbows pinned in (elbows are a hinge here, keep them still). Push rope down toward your hips. Ropes are great for triceps because they allow the elbows to follow a natural path of movement.

(+ This girl has the same pattern pants as my FAVORITE capris. Sam’s Club for the win.)





4. HIPS & THIGHS  Thigh Adductor/Abductor Machine (HIS)


Lunges (HERS)

Keep front knee over ankle and back leg parallel to the floor. Squeeze your butt to push up. For a challenge, balance on one leg for 3-5 seconds before resetting (standing upright).








5. CORE          Ab Machine (HIS)

a. Plank in Pushup Position (HERS) Stabilize for 20-30 seconds, 3 times.

One of the BEST core exercises!plank pushup

Pull shoulderblades back and down, all the energy goes into the core. Keep spine neutral

Pull navel inward

Remember, BREATHE

To challenge, come down to elbows and put hands together.

(22 plank variations here)


lift chop

b. One Leg Medicine Ball Lift and Chop (HERS) 

Works abs/core. Can also be done on one leg for extra balance challenge

COOL DOWN- Elliptical (THEIRS):

More Cardio. Because women love it.

Stabilization and Balance options are ways to:

boost your calorie burn

strengthen essential core structures that support ALL your movements

and feel all the extra muscles you won’t feel with machines.





*Special thanks to Robin and Margaret for the fun training session!


Be brave and stand on your own two feet. Or better yet, balance on one. 



————–If you have any questions, feel free to post them at www.facebook.com/HeadstrongHealth!